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erasmus plus inspiring studies and future careers

Erasmus Plus Project

Inspiring Studies and Future Careers


The border between school and outside-of-school-life exists for many students and very often they don't understand why they are learning different subjects at school. They ask why they need everything they have to do at school. This leads to losing motivation and early school leaving. Too many young people leave education prematurely, before achieving a qualification and it's difficult for them to find a job. Reducing the rates of early school leaving and upgrading skills for employability help to fight poverty and social exclusion. We believe that motivation is the key factor and it can be achieved through inspiring studies at school, improving the attainment of young people and acquisition of key competences.
Our 14-15-year old students will be entering the labour market in 2020-s. By that time more and more jobs will require higher level skills. If we want the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy, education needs to improve the attainment of young people, particularly those at risk of early school leaving as well as pay more attention to the transversal skills needed to ensure young people are able to be entrepreneurial and adapt to the changes in the labour market during their career. 

School needs to find ways how to to show young people the connections between education and their everyday life and careers. With the help of this project we would like students to think and learn how different school subjects (especially STEM subjects) are important and usable in everyday life and for their future career, how knowlegde and skills learned at school can help them to solve problems in life and work.

The project will be focused on STEM, basic and transversial skills and key competencies - the ultimate goal is inspiring young people in their studies and motivate them to think about future careers. We consider the promotion of entrepreneurship at all levels and improving the co-operation between education and work life important. We pursue that all the students in partner schools are motivated to finish basic compulsory education and to go on studying to get a job in the future.


  • students have improved their transversal skills such as the ability to think critically, taking initiative, problem solving and working   collaboratively;

  • students will be involved in finding their own problems, testing ideas, receiving feedback and working collaboratively with other   students beyond the school classroom;

  • students will have several practical entrepreneurial experiences;

  • students will have visited several enterprises where they have done practical tasks connected with school subjects;

  • students will have better understanding how their studies at school are connected with their everyday life;

  • in partner schools the skills will be taught in a wider variety of in-school and outside-of-school settings;

  • both teachers and students will have improved their foreign language and cooperation skills;

  • the teaching materials and student-centered pedagogical approaches that are practiced during the project will be sustainable and   enrich the school life of partner schools after the end of the project;

  • all partners will have improved their understanding of other nations and cultures in Europe;

  • connections between partner school will be strong and survive after the end of the project.

  • teachers will have become more confident about using ICT in class and cooperating with foreign colleagues through ICT;

  • teachers will have improved their teaching skills of key competencies;

  • teachers will know more about diversity and inclusion and how to meet the needs of disadvantaged learners but also the gifted ones;

© 2015 ErasmusTeam

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