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IES Sabina Mora - European Programs

December 24, 2015

This is the website of IES Sabina Mora. In this section, you will find news about our Erasmus+ KA2 project "Inspiring Studies and Future Careers"


IES Sabina Mora - European Programs

Europa Press - Meeting in Paderborn

February 14, 2015

IES Sabina Mora, in collaboration with schools from Estonia, Croatia, Germany and Finland,  is participating in the Eramus+ KA2 Project "Inspiring studies and future careers".

In the attached link you will find an article on the Europa Press website, in which you will be informed about the first meeting of the project in Paderborn (Germany).

Europa Press - Visit to the company "Antigua Vida Nueva"

May 22, 2015

Within our Erasmus Project, the visits to companies are an important part of it. The first company we have visited with our pupils is "Antigua Vida Nueva", an agricultural facility for the production and sale of ecological products.

Europa Press - Meeting in Kaapa (Estonia)

July 09, 2015

As part of the project, a meeting in Kaapa (Estonia) took part at the end of May 2015.

Europa Press - Meeting in Vaala (Finland)

November 21, 2015

As part of the project, 5 teachers from IES Sabina Mora visited some schools, youth centres and companies in Finland.

Educarm - Meeting in Vaala (Finland)

November 21, 2015

As part of the project, 5 teachers from IES Sabina Mora visited some schools, youth centres and companies in Finland.

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2 pupils from IES Sabina Mora do working practices in Germany

2 pupils did in April 2016 working practices in a children hospital and in Benteler (a steel multinational company). They were hosted in a local german family.

IES Sabina Mora puts into practice a Career Counselling Program

The school has implemented a program to give advice to the pupils for their future choices, both in the academic and in the work fields.

IES Sabina Mora participates in the XXI Nutrition Congress in Chile

In December 2015 one of the teachers participating in our Erasmus Project, Donato Martínez Mateo, attended as speaker in the World Nutrition Congress in Chile.​

In this Congress our teacher showcased the results of a study carried out in our school within the frame of the Erasmus project. In the study 71 of our students participated and analysed their healthy habits. The pupils examined their habits, and calculated their total calories input per day as well as their total calories consumption (doing sport or other activities).

They did this by means of an Excel spreadsheet, in such a way that they could do an activity connected with their daily reality, what is exactly the sense of the Erasmus project.

In the download section it is available the model of spreadsheet we used.

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