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Vaalan yhtenäiskoulu
Vaalan yhtenäiskoulu, comprehensive school of Vaala, is located in Vaala
municipality. Here lives 3100 inhabitants. It is in the middle of Finland, about
600 km from Helsinki to north. Vaala is part of Rokua Geopark area.                                                                                                                                                            We have in classes 1-9 about  300 pupils. Children start elementary school at the age of 7.
In our school works 35 teachers and ten teaching assistants. School buiding is new, it is only 4 years old. We have modern technology in classrooms and in all
parts of the school.
In the centre of the school building is restaurant where we can have lunch
everyday free of charge.
Vaalan yhtenäiskoulu
Niskantie 10
91700 VAALA
Vaala municipality

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