IES Sabina Mora
IES Sabina Mora is a highschool located in Roldán (Torre-Pacheco), in the southeast of Spain, a Region called Murcia.
In the current academic year 2015-16, we have around 650 pupils, coming from many different origins, as Maghreb, South America or Eastern Europe, for a total of 14 different nationalities.
With regard to our staff, it is composed by 65 teachers.
We will describe below our facilities:
2 ICT rooms, with a total of about 50 computers.
Classrooms with projectors and teacher computer.
Interactive whiteboards.
School library.
Music classroom.
Biology laboratory.
Physics & Chemicals laboratory.
Technology Workshop.
School gym.
We are also very active in different initiatives and projects, as:
Erasmus+ KA2 Project "Inspiring Studies and Future Careers", with our school partners from Estonia, Finland, Germany and Croatia.
Etwinning Project "Etwi-chef" with the school "Mon Plaisir" from Paris.
EJE Project.
"We read on Thursday" ("Leemos los jueves").
Our school has participated in the next European projects:
- Comenius & Etwinning Project "We support the Mediterranean Food", with the schools Issec Pigier (Toulouse, France) and Srednja Sola (Zagorje, Slovenia) from 2011 to 2013..
- Etwinning projects "Once upon a time" in 2013.
- Etwinning project "Etwi-chef", that we are currently developping with the school "Mon Plaisir" de Crecy la Chapelle.
You can see as follows a lipdub recorded in our school during our Comenius project. We hope you like it!