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Project Meetings


Transnational project meetings and learning activities will take place twice a year, so every partner school will host at least one
transnational meeting. Some meetings are for teachers only and some for small student groups.
The purpose of transnational project work is to bring people together, face to face meetings can't be completely replaced by online communication.

The first meeting in Germany will be essential for discussing all the aspects of the project, share and define responsibilities, preparing the evaluation plan and the plan how to measure the impact.

School teams will learn how to use the web page and eTwinning platform.

The Croatian and Spanish school coordinators will hold a workshop on this theme.

The aims of these meetings:

  • to produce synergy for outcomes that are only possible by working with others;

  • people get to know each other better and this is the basis for  the long cooperation and personal contacts between people;

  • project meetings are perfect for discussions and evaluation work;

  • visiting enterprises in other countries, comparing with own country;

  • preparing teaching materials/worksheets collaboratively.

All these measures should help in maximising the impact on participating schools. Communication allows all the participants to develop their understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages, learn from each other and helps students acquire competences.

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