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Lifelong Career Guidance System  in Croatia

Lifelong career guidance services in Croatia have been countinuously developed in different sectors (education and employment sector), involving different stakeholders (state institutions and agencies in the field of education, employment and social inclusion, non-governmental sector, private institutions, etc.)
It's aiming at different target groups (primary and secondary school pupils, higher education students, unemployed persons, persons with difficulties accessing the labor market, employed persons wishing to make a career change or invest in professional development etc.)
The Lifelong Guidance Forum, policy advisory network established in 2015, brings together relevant stakeholders from the above-mentioned sectors with the objective of developing more efficient policies, measures and activities through the national Strategy for Lifelong Guidance and Career Counselling for the period 2016-2020.
Lifelong career guidance is delivered in the education and employment sector:
Within the education system, guidance services are delivered in primary and secondary schools and are mostly performed by the non-teaching staff (which includes school expert associates pedagogues and psychologists, experts of education-rehabilitation profiles, librarians, principals etc.). 
Most of the guidance services are delivered in the final years of primary and secondary education, although, efforts are being made to raise teachers' awareness of the need to include and perform guidance services in lower primary and secondary school grades.
In the higher education system efforts are currently being made to establish faculty and university-based career centres for students and further develop the existing ones, offering psychological guidance services for students, as well as information on job search and labour market trends, networking activities with the buseiness sector and inforamtion on mobility.
In adult education....
What do we do in our school in the fild of career guidance of our students? Check here
Lifelong Career Guidance Centers in Croatia:
e-Guidance Portal:
Presentation of Lifelog career guidance services in Croatia
Croatian Employment Service, students and teachers meeting in Zagreb 2016  DOWNLOAD

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