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Project day in Tallinn - active integrated learning in the Centre for Innovation in Education in Tallinn University (4.12.2015). Both students and teachers experienced, that integrated learning is really motivating. The tasks, connected with everyday life, were quite challenging. 

Active and integrated learning

Active learning programme on space technology in Estonian Space Research Centre in Tõravere. Students got to acquire new knowledge about the topic, work in groups on problems and then present their findings to other students.

Integrating literature, geography, biology and sports on Vällamägi hill (2016)

Passing through different curriculums students' knowledge of this world develop. In this knowledge there must be room for both folk traditions and science based understanding. Kääpa Elementary School organises lessons from time to time that integrate several different subjects. Those aim is to create a unified ascertained whole world-view from all the information collected. It was great success when we carried out an open-air lesson at the Vällamäe hiking track, which took place in September 2016. It integrated subjects as natural science, environmental care, biology, Estonian language and literature and was meant for form 9 students. During this lesson traditional folk heritage (studied earlier in tha classroom) was compared to science based understanding. In the end of this lesson students realized that natural environment and saving it is valued by today's scientists as well as it was by people thousands of years ago.

Integrated learning day for the whole school in Meenikunno Nature reserve (raised bog) 2016

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