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HNF  -  project work  -  coolMint laboratory


HNF (Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum) is the world´s largest computer museum offering exhibitions from mankind´s first forms of writing and calculation to nowaday´s and future computer technology. Beside´s the museum HNF offers conference facilities and well-equipped course rooms for IT activities as well as STEM.

Our team used one of these rooms for project work and project talks about  e-twinning, setting up a web-page and the next steps in project work.


After lunch  we got an impression about the current exhibition.


MINT is the short form for mathematics, information technolgy, natural science and technics in German, similar to STEM in English. 


Teachers met students from Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule. They had a appointment and joined a course in coolMint laboratory doing research on solar power.

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