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Early Monday morning night train came to Oulu.

We went by bus to Rokua Spa to have breakfast.

Near the Spa were Rokuan Lomahuvilat. There

we had accommodation under our project week.


In school Vaalan yhtenäiskoulu we had warm

welcome by headmaster Jouni Meriläinen in

sport hall, All pupils and teachers were there too.


After lunch in we had guided tour in school by

Finnish students. Following lessons and modern

technology were interresting to our guests.


End of afternoon we had welcome meeting with Vaala´s culture chief Sinikka Rantalankila. She introduced Vaala as a small municipality with several small companies, good schools, many lakes, thousands of summer houses and clean nature. Vaala is also part of the northest Geopark in the world.


In the evening we had delicious dinner in Rokua Spa.

Rokuan lomahuvilat, accommodation
Rokua Spa
Monday the 2nd of November 2015
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