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Elementary school Zapruđe, Meštrovićev trg 8a, Zagreb, Croatia - tel. +385 66 00 747 -

Career Guidance and Counseling in  

Elementary School Zapruđe

How to make it work for students



The main purpose of all the activities we offer to our students is to provide early and quality based information to pupils so that they are able to choose their further education/profession and to help them understand the connection between school content and its application in their future profession. 
It is expected that today's 14/15-year-olds will be on the labor market by 2025 (or earlier). More and more jobs at that time will require higher levels of particular skills and abilities.
The knowledge and skills gained through education should help them to find work faster, provide overall better quality of life and give personal satisfaction.
In our school, we really try to ensure early and quality based information for our pupils to help them plan their professional future sensibly and to provide them a stimulating learning process.
We try to provide an appropriate level of support in student's career managing - for all the students.
We also try to provide a potential analysis of students’ strong and weak points. Recognizing students’ potential is a basis for individual learning processes.
Earlier intervention is required - we try to help students in career planning and choice making earlier than in the final grade of primary school.
There are a lot of different activities that we have in the area of professional informing and directing of students as well as introducing them and preparing for the labor world.
We have developed ‘so-called’ Info-corner - a small info department where the career advising services can take place in the school.

There are also a lot of different materials that can help students to get information for their future choices, especially about secondary school programs.

We inform them about Opening Days of secondary schools on regular basis.

As a part of the cross-curricular themes in social education we inform and encourage students and their parents to use on-line tools and interactive web portal of Croatian Employment Service - e-Usmjeravanje which offers the answers to all students’ questions about career and world of work in one place.
To inform students about different curricula in secondary education, educational institutions organize promotional activities on a regular basis.

Every year our school organizes a visit to the Career Fair „Welcome 8th Graders” and Craft fair to promote entrepreneurship, Secondary School Visits, during Opening Days and European Vocational Skills Week.
In cooperation with different institutions/companies/NGOs, we organize different workshops for rising key competencies of our students. (financial, digital and media, intercultural, presentational skills etc.)
Throughout the school year, we have also Special Day Events -Science Night, Hour of Code, Safer Internet Day, School Market Event, Celebration of European Day of Languages, Sports Day, Thanksgiving Day...  
Besides that, we organize company/institution/entrepreneur visits too, in order to help students get the insight in the world of work.
Pupils collect evidence - student's portfolio - about what they do and learn during the different activities, 
We have started with the activity One Day in a Job. Students spend one day at work with their the family member/professional .
Career Day
We organized Career Day three times. The whole school participated in appropriate activities – workshops and secondary school presentations.
Activities are different for
  • 1st - 4th graders
  • 5th - 6th graders
  • 7th - 8th graders
There were about 20 different institutions (mostly secondary schools but also Croatian Employment Service, NGOs etc.) who gave presentations and workshops for our students.
We had more than 150 guests, presenters and about 100 nearby-school students who were invited, too.
The impressions of all the stakeholders are more than excellent, so this will become a permanent event in the school calendar.



If you are interested to see how was it on the 2nd Career Day in Elementary school Zapruđe - Watch the video!
October, 2016
Career Plan - career planning process in our school,  a document which contains the concept of career guidance - from 1st to 8th grade - PDF DOWNLOAD:
Info-corner - It is never too early to inform yourself and choose a career
Lifelong Career Guidance Centers in Croatia:
e-Guidance Portal:
Europen Vocational Skills Week - secondary school visits
An example of student's portfolio
  • 1st - 4th graders​
Video overview of the  3rd Career Day in Elementary school Zapruđe - will be available soon!
October, 2017
  • 5th - 6th graders​
  • 7th - 8th graders

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